Truth Behind Palo Azul Tea

Truth Behind Palo Azul Tea

Palo Azul has been used for centuries by many cultures around the world…it has long been prescribed for a number of inflammatory and digestive ailments. It is suggested that Palo Azul can be used as a diuretic and remedy for Kidney Disease. It is suggested that Palo Azul can be used as a diuretic and remedy for Kidney Disease.

Palo Azul also known as Kidney Wood, Palo Dulce, Palo Santo and Eysenhardtia Polystachya. Palo Azul means “Blue Stick” in Spanish, possibly as a reference to the blue dye contained inside it’s bark. This blue dye was first used by Myan Warriors as paint to disquise their faces in battle. It was later recognized for its many Healing and Detoxifing properties.
Palo Dulce translates as “Sweet Stick” and Palo Santo translates as “Holy Stick.” The name Kidney Wood refers to the plant’s medicinal and detoxification properties.

Palo Azul Tea for Personal Detoxification

Palo Azul Tea for Personal Detoxification

Palo Azul is used as a Natural Herbal Remedy for kidney problems, such as bloody urine and kidney stones. This makes it extremely effective for removing unwanted toxins from your body. The perfect Detox Remedy!!
* Palo Azul should be consumed in the form of tea which is made by boiling the bark of the Palo Azul shrub. We suggest 3-4 cups per day.

This same tea has also been used to prevent miscarriages and as a contreceptive. Preparations made from Palo Azul plant parts were taken internally to treat Diabetes as it is known as a Natural Hyperglycemic as well as a Hypoglycemic. Palo Azul can also be applied externally to cleanse wounds and wash out the eyes.

Palo Azul and High Blood Pressure:

High Blood Pressure increases the risk of Cardiovascular Disease the primary cause of Strokes, Heart Failure and even Death. it has become more prevalent in our modern-day, eat on the go, stressful world.
Dietary changes are the most effective way to manage your Blood Pressure. Palo Azul is well known for its ability to LOWER High Blood Pressure. Palo Azul is a Natural and Tasty way to put these changes in motion.
Studies have proven that drinking Palo Azul Tea every day helps LOWER your Blood Pressure as effectively as some anti-hypertensive prescription medications without the potential side effects.

Drink Palo Azul Tea daily to help lower your risk of developing High Blood Pressure or to help protect yourself against more severe hypertension if your levels are already too high.

Those who suffer from type 2 diabetes are at even greater risk for developing High Blood Pressure.
Research indicates that this colorful, delicious tea a Highly Effective way for diabetics to MANAGE or PREVENT High Blood Pressure.

Palo Azul and Antioxidents:
Palo Azul Tea contains high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants are an essential part of your diet. Antioxidents help rid our bodies of free radicals (destructive molecules that can damage our cells and DNA). Antioxidents protect us against Chronic Diseases such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer.
Antioxidants also fight and prevent chronic inflammation, which research has linked to Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, IBS, Crohn’s, PCOS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, Infertility, Premature Aging, Obesity, and many other serious health issues. By choosing foods and beverages that are high in antioxidants you can help reverse the inflammatory process in your body.inflammatory process in your body.

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